ABM in 2024 - Top Account-Based Marketing Tools for Growth

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has been around for many years, with strategies dating as far back as the 90’s and the actual phrase being used in 2004 by the ITSMA ABM certification.

ABM is a popular strategic approach that focuses on targeting specific high-value accounts rather than casting a wide net. This precision targeting done well, requires a suite of sophisticated tools and technologies across different ABM categories. It’s important to fully understand how to measure success and set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for ABM campaigns, particularly when the cost of these technologies can take sizeable chunk of your marketing budget.

Let's dig into the essential tools required for ABM, explore the metrics for success, and identify the technologies that help tracking and reporting.

1. Data and Contact Management Tools

At the heart of any successful ABM strategy is a robust and feature-rich database. Tools that help with data and contact management are crucial for maintaining accurate and up-to-date information on target accounts. These tools enable you to segment your audience effectively and personalise their outreach strategies.

Example Tools: Salesforce, HubSpot CRM

2. Content Personalisation and Experience Platforms

Content is king, but context is queen. Personalising your content to match the specific needs and interests of each target account is critical. Content personalisation platforms help you to tailor your messaging, offers, and content, creating a much better experience for your potential customer.

Example Tools: Adobe Experience Manager, Optimizely

3. Account-Based Advertising Platforms

Reaching high-value accounts with precision-targeted adverts is a key component of ABM. Account-based advertising platforms allow you to serve personalised ads directly to individuals within your targeted accounts on various digital platforms, ensuring that your message reaches the right audience.

Example Tools: LinkedIn Marketing Solutions, Demandbase, 6Sense

4. Marketing Automation Platforms

Marketing Automation for email, nurturing and campaigns has been part of a B2B Marketers toolkit for many years. Today, automating repetitive tasks and scaling personalised campaigns are made possible with marketing automation platforms. These tools are integral for executing not just email campaigns but also social media marketing, and other personalised outreach efforts, at scale.

Example Tools: Marketo, Eloqua

5. Sales Enablement Platforms

The relationship between Sales and Marketing teams is even more important with an ABM strategy and aligning their combined efforts is crucial for success. Sales enablement platforms provide sales teams with the resources, content, and data they need to engage effectively with targeted accounts.

Example Tools: Seismic, Highspot

6. Analytics and Reporting Tools

Understanding the impact of ABM efforts is essential for optimising strategies and proving ROI. As a marketer, your ability to focus on numbers, experiments and outcomes is key to your value to the business. Analytics and reporting tools give you the insights you need to measure success against your goals and KPIs. Most of the tools in the blog has reporting and dashboard functionalities but get a wider view, you’ll need a tool that shows multi channel results.

Example Tools: Google Analytics, Tableau

Setting and Measuring KPIs for ABM

KPIs for ABM differ from traditional marketing funnel metrics due to the focused nature of ABM campaigns.

Some essential KPIs include:

  • Account Engagement: Measures the depth and quality of engagement within your targeted accounts.

  • Opportunity Creation: Tracks the number of new sales opportunities created within your targeted accounts, this can be then be looked at as a percentage of your overall target account penetration.

  • Pipeline Velocity: Assesses how quickly opportunities move through the sales pipeline, helping you to identify blockage areas that need additional focus.

  • ROI: Calculates the Return on Investment of ABM campaigns, comparing the revenue generated to the cost of your campaign. Traditionally, this would just cover marketing spend, but now marketers are incorporating wider costs such as staffing, operations etc.

In conclusion, a well-orchestrated ABM strategy requires a diverse toolkit, ranging from data management and content personalisation to analytics and reporting. By leveraging these technologies and focusing on the right KPIs, marketers can execute effective ABM campaigns that resonate with high-value accounts, driving significant business outcomes. As the digital landscape evolves, so too will the tools and technologies that empower ABM strategies, making continuous learning and adaptation a must for success in this targeted approach to marketing.

Check out our bespoke instructor-led ABM training courses for marketers.


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