Navigating change in a challenging economic climate

A Data-Driven Approach to Strengthening Teams

In the face of widespread organisational changes such as layoffs, acquisitions, changes in leadership, and strategic shifts, companies worldwide are encountering difficult challenges. Following on from the COVID-19 pandemic, markets have been up and down, coupled with wars in the Ukraine and Israel, businesses have been trying to lower costs and become more cash-flow positive. We know that when most individuals worked from offices, it was easier to gauge motivation levels and how teams were coping in times of signifiant change. These challenges are magnified by the increasing prevalence of remote and hybrid working models, which bring issues like isolation, communication breakdown, and chaotic work practices to the forefront.

The Impact of Change: By the Numbers

  • Isolation and Lack of Trust: A report by Buffer on the State of Remote Work reveals that 20% of remote workers list loneliness as their biggest challenge, highlighting the risk of isolation and the subsequent breakdown of trust within remote teams.

  • Communication Breakdown: According to McKinsey, companies that excel in communication are 4.5 times more likely to retain their best employees, emphasising the role of effective communication in preventing chaotic work practices and maintaining team cohesion.

  • Chaotic Work Practices: A study by Asana on the Anatomy of Work Index found that 62% of workers spend significant portions of their day on "work about work," leading to decreased productivity and increased frustration among team members.

  • Talent Retention: The Harvard Business Review notes that turnover rates can spike up to 2.5 times in organisations undergoing significant changes, underscoring the challenge of retaining talent in times of upheaval.

Investing in Team Relationship Building

A key strategy to overcome these challenges is to invest in team relationship building, with a focus on training in communication and collaboration. This approach aims to rebuild trust and foster a sense of community among team members, irrespective of their physical location.

At HG, we work with remote and hybrid businesses to solve challenges brought on by change, find out more about or training and development programs.

1. Enhanced Communication Training

Offering training programs that focus on enhancing communication skills can help mitigate misunderstandings and improve overall team dynamics. This includes active listening, clear and concise messaging, and effective use of digital communication tools. Such training ensures that every team member feels heard and understood, laying the foundation for a more cohesive work environment.

2. Collaboration Workshops

Workshops that simulate challenges and opportunities for teamwork can be invaluable. These sessions can help team members better understand each other's working styles and strengths, promoting a culture of mutual respect and collaboration. By working through problems together, teams can develop stronger bonds and a more profound sense of trust.

3. Regular Team-Building Activities

Integrating regular team-building activities into the company culture can help break down barriers of isolation. Whether virtual or in-person, activities that are not directly related to work tasks can provide a relaxed environment for team members to connect on a personal level, further strengthening their relationship.

4. Creating Opportunities for Informal Interactions

Encouraging informal interactions among team members can also help rebuild trust and mitigate feelings of isolation. This could be through virtual coffee breaks, casual catch-up sessions, or interest-based clubs within the organization. Such interactions allow team members to relate to each other beyond their professional roles, fostering a stronger sense of community.


The path through massive organizational change is fraught with challenges, particularly in the context of today's global and often remote work environment. By recognising the critical role of team dynamics in navigating these changes, businesses can implement strategies to strengthen these relationships. Investing in communication and collaboration training, coupled with regular team-building and informal interactions, can rebuild trust and mitigate the negative impacts of change. Such efforts not only enhance team cohesion but also contribute to talent retention, positioning the company for success in the face of continuous change.

Learn more about how HG can help your teams and leadership team thrive after change.


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