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Live Webinar: Is MBTI® relevant and useful for Businesses in 2024?

In an era where the dynamics of workplace environments and team structures are rapidly evolving, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) remains a topic of considerable interest and debate among professionals. This webinar aims to critically assess the relevance and utility of the MBTI® framework for businesses in 2024, with a specific focus on leaders who navigate the complexities of managing teams.

Key Highlights:

  • An overview of the MBTI® framework, exploring its core principles and how they have been traditionally applied within business contexts for team building, leadership development, and improve workplace dynamics.

  • A review of how the MBTI® has evolved to meet the changing needs of modern businesses, especially in the context of remote work, digital transformation, and global teams.

  • Real-world examples and case studies highlighting the effectiveness of MBTI® in enhancing communication, understanding team dynamics, and leadership decision-making across geographically dispersed teams.

  • A balanced discussion on the criticisms of the MBTI® within the business environment, including its scientific validity and practicality, alongside an exploration of alternative personality frameworks that are gaining traction.

  • Interactive Q&A Session

Who should attend:

  • Leaders coping with change and fast-paced environments

  • Leaders looking to improve collaboration and communication in cross-functional teams

Date and time: Tuesday 30th April 2024, 16.00 GMT, 8am PT

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